Kitab Durrow

Permulaan Injil Markus dari Kitab Durrow.

Kitab Durrow adalah sebuah kitab injil manuskrip bergambar abad pertengahan dalam gaya seni rupa Insular. Karya tersebut diyakini dibuat antara tahun 650 dan 700.[1] Tempat pembuatannya diyakini adalah Keabbasan Durrow di Irlandia atau sebuah monasteri di Northumbria, timur laut Inggris (dimana monasteri di Lindisfarne tampaknya menjadi kandidatnya) atau mungkin Keabbasan Iona di barat Skotlandia—tempat asalnya telah diperdebatkan di kalangan sejarawan selama berdekade-dekade tanpa konsensus.[2]


  1. ^ O'Neil, 14
  2. ^ Meehan, 17-22, who seems to give Ireland the edge; Wilson, 33-36, who favours Northumbria. Both discuss the views of other scholars. Some suggest the Book of Durrow was brought to Durrow Abbey from Britain by monks who were fleeing Viking attacks in Britain.


  • Calkins, Robert G. Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1983.
  • Meehan, Bernard. The Book of Durrow: A Medieval Masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin, 1996, Town House, Dublin, ISBN 1-57098-053-5
  • Nordenfalk, Carl. Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Painting: Book illumination in the British Isles 600-800. Chatto & Windus, London (New York: George Braziller), 1977.
  • O'Neil, Timothy. The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century. Cork University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-8510-5411-7
  • Wilson, David M.; Anglo-Saxon Art: From The Seventh Century To The Norman Conquest, Thames and Hudson (US edn. Overlook Press), 1984.
  • Walther, Ingo F. and Norbert Wolf. Codices Illustres: The world's most famous illuminated manuscripts, 400 to 1600. Köln, TASCHEN, 2005.

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  • De Hamel, Christopher. A History of Illuminated Manuscripts. Boston: David R. Godine, 1986.

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Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Book of Durrow.
  • Book of Durrow catalogue entry at University of North Carolina Diarsipkan 2005-04-12 di Wayback Machine.
  • Treasures of early Irish art, 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D., an exhibition catalogue from The Metropolitan Museum of Art (fully available online as PDF), which contains material on the Book of Durrow (cat. no. 27)
  • More information at Earlier Latin Manuscripts Diarsipkan 2018-09-14 di Wayback Machine.