Pertempuran Hyrba

Pertempuran Hyrba
Sebahagian daripada Kempen Cyrus Agung
TarikhMusim sejuk-bunga?, 552 SM
Hyrba, Media
Keputusan Kemenangan muktamad Parsi.
Persekutuan utara Media berpaling tadah kepada Parsi.
Pihak yang terlibat
Empayar Media Persis
Komandan dan pemimpin
Lain-lain tak diketahui
Cyrus Agung,
Kemudian Harpagus,
Lain-lain tak diketahui
300 kavalri[1] 5,000 infantri, (bertempur)?[2]
1,000+ kavalri[3]
Kerugian dan korban
250 kavalri[4] Sangat kecil[5]
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Kempen-kempen Cyrus Agung
Parsi (552 SM) – Hyrba (552 SM) – Sempadan Parsi (551 SM)
Bukit Pasargadae (550 SM) – Pasargadae (550 SM)
Pteria (547 SM) – Thymbra (547 SM)
Sardis (546 SM) – Opis (539 SM)

Pertempuran Hyrba adalah pertempuran pertama yang berlaku di antara Parsi dan Media. Ia juga merupakan pertempuran pertama Parsi selepas memberontak. Tindakan ini diketuai (bagi sebahagian besar) oleh Cyrus Agung, dan mengubah kuasa di kawasan Timur Tengah purba. Kejayaan pertempuran ini menghasilkan empayar pertama Parsi, dan memulakan penaklukan panjang sedekad Cyrus ke atas hampir kesemua ketamadunan dunia yang diketahui. Meskipun kisah terperinci pertempuran ini diperolehi dari Nicolaus dari Damsyik, sejawahwan terkenal yang lain seperti Herodotus, Ctesias, dan Strabo juga ada menyebut akan pertempuran ini di dalam catatan mereka.[6][7][8][9]
Keputusan ini memberi tamparan hebat kepada Medes, yang mana Astyages telah memutuskan untuk menyerang Parsi sendiri. Serbuan terburu-buru ini akhirnya menyebabkan kejatuhan beliau. Sebaliknya, bekas musuh-musuh Medes cuba untuk menentang mereka, sebelum digagalkan oleh Cyrus. Maka satu tempoh berbaik-baik semula bermula, yang mana membantu mewujudkan satu hubungan erat di antara Parsi dan Medes, dan membolehkan Ecbatana, ibukota Media, diserahkan kepada Parsi sebagai sebuah ibukota Parsi di dalam empayar yang baru diasaskan ini.


  1. ^ Duncker, Max, The History of Antiquity, tr. Evelyn Abbott, p. 349. London, Richard Bentley * Son (1881) p. 349-350.1
  2. ^ Duncker, Max, The History of Antiquity, tr. Evelyn Abbott, p. 349. London, Richard Bentley * Son (1881) p. 349-350.3
  3. ^ Duncker, Max, The History of Antiquity, tr. Evelyn Abbott, p. 349. London, Richard Bentley * Son (1881) p. 349-350.3
  4. ^ Duncker, Max, The History of Antiquity, tr. Evelyn Abbott, p. 349. London, Richard Bentley * Son (1881) p. 349-350.7
  5. ^ Duncker, Max, The History of Antiquity, tr. Evelyn Abbott, p. 349. London, Richard Bentley * Son (1881) p. 349-350.8
  6. ^ Herodotus (The Histories) I, 127-128
  7. ^ Ctesias (Persica)
  8. ^ Fragments of Nicolaus of Damascus
  9. ^ Strabo (History) XV, 3.8


  • The Nabonidus Cylinder from Sippar.
  • Fischer, W.B., Ilya Gershevitch, and Ehsan Yarshster, The Cambridge History of Iran, Cambridge University Press (1993). In 1 volume. ISBN 0521200911
  • Max Duncker, The History of Antiquity, tr. Evelyn Abbott. London, Richard Bentley * Son (1881). ISBN 2792979279
  • Chisholm, Hugh, The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Cambridge, England; New York: At the University Press, (1910). ISBN 5727739257
  • Laymon, Charles M., The Interpreter's One Volume Commentary on the Bible: Introduction and Commentary, Abingdon Press, (1971). ISBN 0687192994
  • Herodotus, Godley A. D., Herodotus, London, W. Heinemann; New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, (1921–24). In 481 Editions. ISBN 1610641161
  • James Ussher, Larry Pierce, Marion Pierce, The Annals of the World, Green Forest, AR : Master Books, (2006). In 13 editions. ISBN 0890515107
  • Herodotus, The History of Herodotus, tr. G. C. Macaulay, S.l.: Kessinger Publications, (1890), 200-? In 479 editions. ISBN 1082779510
  • Clare, Smith, Israel, The unrivaled history of the world, containing a full and complete record of the human race from the earliest historical period to the present time, embracing a general survey of the progress of mankind in national and social life, civil government, religion, literature, science and art... Chicago, The Werner Company, (1893). In 4 editions. ISBN 2791262279


Sumber klasik

  • The Nabonidus Chronicle of the Babylonian Chronicles
  • Herodotus (The Histories) I, 127-128
  • Ctesias (Persica)?
  • Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus I, 6 (Inggeris)
  • Fragments of Nicolaus of Damascus
  • Strabo (History) XV, 3.8
  • Athenaeus (Deipnosophistae), 1.14 (633e) 6:419 (Quotes)

Sumber moden

  • Rawlinson, George (1885). The Seven Great Monarchies of the Eastern World, New York, John B. Eldan Press, reprint (2007) p. 120-121. In 4 volumes. ISBN 9781428647
  • Fischer, W.B., Ilya Gershevitch, and Ehsan Yarshster, The Cambridge History of Iran, Cambridge University Press (1993) p. 145. In 1 volume. ISBN 0521200911
  • Stearns, Peter N., and Langer, William L. (2004). The Encyclopedia of World History: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Press, (2001) p. 40. In 6 editions. ISBN 0395652375

Pautan luar

  • Full text in html format of Max Duncker's "History of Antiquity", translated by Evelyn Abbott
  • M. A. Dandamaev, A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire, tr. W. J. Vogelsang, (1989) the battle.
  • James Orr, The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Chicago, The Howard-Severance Co. (1915) the combatants.
  • Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible other details.
  • Cyrus takes Babylon: the Nabonidus chronicle in Nabonidus's chronicle he says Cyrus fought the last battle in 550 BC, but in another chronicle he says the revolt began in the summer of 553 BC and the first battle took place a little later, which then one would get a deduced date of 552 BC for the possible date of the first battle. Details from Herodotus' and Nicolas' accounts also suggest the actual battle took place half a year after the revolt, which if one counts forward from the summer of 553 BC, one would reach the beginning of 552 BC. This would have also given Cambyses ample time to gather the army and allies for battle.
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Topik-topik Media
Bahasa Media, Bahasa Iran
Empayar Media dan jirannya, sekitar 600 BC
Ecbatana • Rhagae • Hyrba
Pertempuran melibatkan Lydia
Pertempuran Halys
Pertempuran melibatkan Parsi
Pemberontakan Parsi • Pertempuran Hyrba • Pertempuran Sempadan Parsi • Pengepungan Bukit Pasargadae • Pertempuran Pasargadae • Kejatuhan Ecbatana
Deioces • Phraortes • Madius • Cyaxares • Astyages • Cyaxares II
Median lain
Amytis dari Media • Artembares • Datis • Gubaru • Mazares • Aryenis • Mandane